Collaboration: Wikipedia? Yes or no?

As my third blog is about Cooperation of social networking sites, this blog is all about Collaboration. Cooperation and Collaboration are almost similar although Cooperation focuses more on social software “that it supports the engagement of participants in a coordinated effort to solve a problem, with shared commitment and goals” as stated by Niall Cook. On the other hand Collaboration involves regular discussions and relationship management.

In our studies today, Wikipedia is one of the most visited sites of students for documenting and researching. I could not say it is a social networking site instead I would refer to it as  a social media tool, a community that become one of the largest and most popular general reference works on the Internet. It is a site full of information like Encyclopedia, but unfortunately Wikipedia can be edited by anyone with the access required level. Wikis work well for drafting and editing information especially useful for organizations on making research projects and documentation. At the same time, the content can be changed easily without the use of email or other communication materials.

I would not recommend Wikis for referencing or getting information due  to its  constant changes of information. No wonder when we have assignments in class, our professors do not accept a reference from Wikipedia because  it is not a reliable  site. This  means it can be edited by anyone else, making it unreliable and possibly giving the wrong information. Maybe some of the information is correct in the Wiki site but it is more advisable to use other consistent and more accurate web reference site such as Encyclopedia.

An example of this I got from a friend who was searching recently a diagram in Wikipedia, and there was a word ‘TANGA’ in it. He searched the meaning and got totally shocked because it is a Filipino word meaning “stupid”. Although I tried to search it again in Wikipedia but the word was not there anymore.

But I can honestly say that I still visit Wikipedia since when we are looking for a certain topic and type it in Google. Most of the time Wikipedia is always the first site that will come out.

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